The 2mm Shift Project

Mastershifts is designed by Tim Hurja, The 2mm Shift-Coach to connect coaches and knowledge seekers all around the world. It was built on the strong foundation on the concept of “The 2mm Shift” and “Never letting money get in the way of a transformed life”.
After being a golf coach for 30 years and training thousands of golf professionals and students including Tony Robbins and working with Tony Robbins as a Personal Results Specialist handling over 30,000 clients, Tim understood that one of the major problems that people or businesses face to get a transformed life was money. After coaching many, Tim understood that making small upshifts in what ever we are already doing would fetch rapid massive results. There are a lot of coaches in this age who are capable of helping these individuals achieve their upshifts and a lot of individuals or businesses who shy away from reaching out to the coaches that can help them.
Mastershifts is designed to request the Coaches to donate at least 3 sessions monthly and these sessions will be available for individuals or businesses to book for free and get their upshifts which lead to their transformed life. The individuals or businesses get to book these free sessions and inturn receive a donation link to donate any amount (not mandatory) they feel like for the free session which has helped them and leave a review and rating. These ratings and reviews on the Coaches free sessions are analysed every month and the best Coaches will be displayed on each of the categories and they will receive the Cost of those free sessions along with a bonus for the month.
The idea is to let anyone in the world connect with these incredible Coaches and let the Coaches connect with potential individuals or businesses without the proximity and financial barriers in order to have transformed lives.